Look at you slapped lika BITCH! Now you're brain cell dead, your mind blown away thru the ingestion of RxWeed.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
And What of Hil?
And Have We Commented on the Election?

First, let us comment on the stunning and decisive victory of President Barack Obama. Not only has he made history as the first African-American President of the United States, not only is he an inspiration and a generational change for our time, but he has uplifted the country in the Kennedy spirit like no one has since, well, the Kennedys.

So my comment on the election? Goddammit America, Yes We Did!!!
A Hottest Contest to the Finish....

Just so you know, the contest was actually between Annika Kipp of DW News and Kiran Chetry of CNN. But as you can see, at the top, Julie Chen Melissa Theuriau can give them both one helluva run for their money...
Smokin' Housewives

By the way, these are the most beautiful newswoman in the world. Hard to disagree....
Tips for Those In A Tough Economy
by Dona DeZubeMonster Finance Careers Expert
In tough times, we all need tips to get, stay or hump ahead. From time to time I hope to bring those who may be seeking work ideas, and that they will share theirs with me. One area that has come to my attention is the insurance industry. Not one everyone thinks about when they go to college, but one so many of us work for when we get out. Here are some tips.
People may not think of insurance as the most glamorous industry in America, but it does offer stability, challenge and growth to those who choose the profession. “You don’t have a lot of college students graduating and saying, ‘I want to work in insurance,’” says Eric Schulting, enterprise recruiting and retention manager for State Farm Insurance in Bloomington, Illinois. “But there are a lot of benefits and advantages in insurance that you don’t have in other industries.”
For instance, insurance is fairly recession-proof, because insurance companies tend to be fiscally conservative and Americans need insurance whether the economy is up or down. And since insurance firms are often mutual companies (meaning they answer to policy holders rather than Wall Street), they can launch sophisticated and aggressive information technology strategies, routinely support safety education and tend to have close ties to their local communities, Schulting adds.
The industry is not without challenges. If gas prices rise too high, consumers may decide to own (and insure) fewer cars, and fewer home sales mean fewer homeowners’ policies sold. When unemployment rises, so do theft and arson, and, therefore, hazard insurance claims.
Industry job growth is also limited by corporate downsizing, improved productivity due to new underwriting technology and a trend toward marketing by mail, telephone and Internet. At the same time, the industry is expanding into the sales of other financial-services products, such as securities, retirement plans and mutual funds. That trend is balanced by competition from banks that have entered the insurance market.
Retirement is also driving a strong hiring climate for the young: With so many of their employees rapidly reaching retirement age, insurance companies are on the lookout for all types of employees. “The biggest trend influencing hiring and employment in the insurance industry is the generational shift the talent market is going to experience,” says Sharon Rues Pettid, manager of human resources for a large national insurance company.
But there is hope for the old: Some insurance firms look beyond recent college graduates and also recruit mid-career professionals from the health, financial-services and call-center industries. “We hire doctors and nurses for underwriting,” says Clarissa Gilliam, corporate vice president of talent acquisition for another insurance organization. “We open our search to investment houses for our accounting positions and look for sales and marketing people who want to move over and learn insurance.”
At State Farm, call-center jobs are plentiful since the company does not offshore its customer-service representative (CSR) positions. However, competition for those jobs can be keen, because the pay is decent, the benefits are generous and job security is good, Schulting says. And multilingual CSRs are particularly in demand.
Actuaries and underwriters continue to be very much in demand, according to Pettid. “This unique skill set is challenging to find and provides a unique and defined career path,” she says. “Also niche product line expertise, such as group disability insurance, tends to be very hot and lucrative for candidates.”
The medical service and health insurance segments are the fastest-growing parts of the insurance industry, thanks to aging Baby Boomers buying health and long-term- care insurance, as well as annuities and other pension products. Growth may be slower in the auto insurance segment, where competition has resulted in rate declines in virtually every state, says a spokesperson for the Insurance Information Institute.
While some areas of insurance are projected to grow more than others, companies in all lines will continue to need support personnel in the years ahead, Gilliam says. “We don’t get to be successful at life insurance without having good accounting, corporate, compliance, public relations, underwriting, risk and tax people,” she says. “Life insurance is our brand and our product, but we’re a major, stable, successful, diverse employee-friendly company.”
Additional Articles on this subject:
Insurance Careers Home
Insider Tips for a Powerful Insurance Sales Resume
Sample Resume for an Insurance Sales Professional
Tips to Prepare for Your Insurance Sales Interview
Get Ready for Your Insurance Industry Interview
Insurance Industry Fueled by Finance, Accounting Professionals
IT Pros Can Find Variety of Jobs in Insurance Industry
Lawyers, Paralegals Work at the Center of Insurance
Job Q&A: Claim Team Manager
Opportunities Knock at State Farm Insurance
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Stylescout Special....

Sunday, July 20, 2008

...saw this movie on Underground Cable last night. Bad screenplay but good views. Maybe one only needs a visual euphoriac these days. Hey it beats masterbating and imagining it's her, right? In fact, it even beats the pleasure of the pump itself...
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Anyway, here's a more subtle but equally as infomative view of his death:
Monday, July 7, 2008
Jesse Helms Remembered: "From black community, a respectful silence"
fayobserver.com (North Carolina)Myron Pitts
Published on Sunday, July 06, 2008
Because we all know our days will eventually come to an end, and because we respect the leveling power of death, we usually idealize the recently died.
We clean up their lives for them, often pretending they were not as messy as normal, human lives tend to be. Death becomes most people. Former Sen. Jesse Helms is no exception.
We will continue to hear many mini-eulogies of the powerful political figure this weekend, but I doubt you will find many black people willing to burnish his checkered legacy.
A respectful silence is all he will get from most of the black community, and all things considered, that’s about as much as could be asked.
Even in the shadow of Helms’ death, I see no need to pussyfoot about: He was hell on black people. Perhaps no single figure in the 20th century could claim more credit for sowing enmity between whites and blacks in North Carolina, and if you know history, you know that the minority group is always the biggest loser when racial strife reigns.
I first fully understood what Helms had wrought in 1990, when Helms’ Senate campaign infected our state’s airwaves with the poisonous “white hands” TV advertisement. The ad showed a pair of white hands crumpling a rejection notice from a prospective employer.
A voiceover says, “You needed that job. And you were the best qualified. But they had to give it to a minority because of a racial quota. Is that really fair? Harvey Gantt says it is.”
Helms’ opponent, whom he defeated, was black.
Political experts still rate the brutal ad as one of the most effective in playing the race card in Southern politics. I would later study the ad in a college course on advertising.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008

click on the title of this article above to go to our guest blogsite CNSaw and see how the new Camelot compares to the old Camelot...
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Profile on Jackie Meretsky from Morning Joe

fantastique...She hails from Toronto, Ontario in Canada.

Jackie looked absolutely amazing in this outfit.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Burg Hohenwerfen
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Las Sizzla, Arigato!
Saturday, May 17, 2008
oy papa sibla!
truly one of the most beautiful shots you'll see. i found this somewhere, the person is anonymous to the photographer, so no problem that i steal it for myself and you.
Laura here does have a name, however. She is no less stunning than HOTT....!

yes i think i'm in love.
this is Inguun. she's a model. an exotic erotic model. she wakes up the senses....

my my my. fantabulous!
now Gina here is vexed in black. It's her color:

i don't think i need to comment further. but another shot of her wouldn't hurt:

awww man like yeah it's very yummy.
but here's more yummy than you can handle boys: it's so HOTT! It's Summer!

oh stunning indeed!!
but to bring it back to earth....

Remember that J. Lo is J. Lo for a reason......
Friday, April 11, 2008
JoAnne Epps named Temple Law dean
As a teenager in Cheltenham, JoAnne A. Epps dreamed of becoming a secretary like her two heroes - her mother, who worked at Temple Univerity and, Della Street the know-it-all assistant on the old Perry Mason show. Instead, at the urging of a college mentor, she become a lawyer and today was named dean of the prestigious Temple University's James E. Beasley School of Law in Philadelphia.
"Back in the '60s I didn't know any women lawyers and I certainly didn't know any black women lawyers," said Epps, 56. "I didn't see that in my future but one of my college mentors did, for which I'll be eternally grateful."
When she takes over on July 1, Epps will oversee 64 faculty members, more than 1,200 students at Temple's main campus and nearly 150 students enrolled in Temple's law programs in China and Japan.
Epps has been a Temple faculty member for more than two decades but her connections to the university go much deeper - her first job was as a 16 year-old cashier in the bookstore. Her late mother, Ellen, who worked at the university for more than 20 years, retired as registrar at Tyler School of Art. "Several people have written who knew my mom and said she was looking down," said Epps. "It was gratifying. I feel very honored to be in this position."
Temple president Ann Weaver Hart called Epps "a universally respected scholar" with a devotion to Temple's mission and contagious energy.
An authority on evidence, criminal procedure and litigation advocacy, Epps has written several books that are widely used in law schools. Prior to joining the faculy, she was assistant U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania and deputy city attorney for Los Angeles. Her work in international legal education includes training Sudanese lawyers representing victims of the Darfur crisis and teaching advocacy skills to prosecutors in Tanzania at the United Nations' International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda.
She received her law degree from Yale School of Law in 1976 after graduating from Trinity College in Hartford.
Epps succeeds Dean Robert J. Reinstein, who will retire on June 30 after 19 years in the job, making him among the longest-serving deans in an American law school. As dean, Epps said she would like to continue to recruit outstanding faculty and students and expand Temple's connections with the legal community.
"I want people in the city to believe that what's going on at Temple Law School is of interest to them," she said.
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Shop and Compare Prices: The Duality of Race and the Press and Public Perception
Driver climbs on roof of van, crashes in Pennsylvania; hospitalized after naked chase
READING, Pa. - A Reading man whose minivan crashed after he climbed on its roof while driving about 55 miles per hour is in fair condition this weekend.
Police in West Reading say the 38-year-old man later stripped naked and led them on a chase along the highway. Authorities are not identifying the man, who is not charged. He remains in a Reading hospital recovering from what witnesses call a deep gash in his side.
Police say they used Taser jolts and pepper spray during the chase Friday but only subdued the man when they tackled him.
Friday, April 4, 2008
NYPD Blotta Lotta Wylde Shyt ~ Viva Iraq 2008
NY Post, Fri. April 4, 2008
Staten Island
A creep was arrested for stealing and cashing co-workers' paychecks. Amotz - oh, I'm sorry I mean Michael Barisciano, age 40, was the lowdown scoundrel who worked for the New York Container Terminal (a cargo facility on SI) where he stole 3 checks over a 2-year period. An audit determined he stole $3,600.
He was charged with forgery & grand larceny per the Staten Island District Attorney's office.
Not all that ugly, unless it hurt the people with their money or with the company whose monies he stole. If they were reimbursed, all's good. If they get restitution from him for the stolen money, that's O.K. too. VuaAAA!!
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Yellow Nightclub in Roppongi (Tokyo Driftin')

Halloween party at Yellow in Roppongi. Trick or treat, anyone?

Copenhagen Classique

a silouette of beauty from behind....

fashionista on wheels....

this is what i see as a photographique europa.....

speed kills - - - unless it looks good doing it!

she's got legs . . . and knows how to use 'em . . .

can you spell . . . SELF-EXPLANATORY?
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Jeremiah Wright, Barack Obama and the Unacceptability of Truth Of National Lies and Racial AmericaBy TIM WISE For most white folks, indignation just doesn't wear well. Once affected or conjured up, it reminds one of a pudgy man, wearing a tie that may well have fit him when he was fifty pounds lighter, but which now cuts off somewhere above his navel and makes him look like an idiot. Indignation doesn't work for most whites, because having remained sanguine about, silent during, indeed often supportive of so much injustice over the years in this country--the theft of native land and genocide of indigenous persons, and the enslavement of Africans being only two of the best examples--we are just a bit late to get into the game of moral rectitude. And once we enter it, our efforts at righteousness tend to fail the test of sincerity. But here we are, in 2008, fuming at the words of Pastor Jeremiah Wright, of Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago--occasionally Barack Obama's pastor, and the man whom Obama credits with having brought him to Christianity--for merely reminding us of those evils about which we have remained so quiet, so dismissive, so unconcerned. It is not the crime that bothers us, but the remembrance of it, the unwillingness to let it go--these last words being the first ones uttered by most whites it seems whenever anyone, least of all an "angry black man" like Jeremiah Wright, foists upon us the bill of particulars for several centuries of white supremacy. But our collective indignation, no matter how loudly we announce it, cannot drown out the truth. And as much as white America may not be able to hear it (and as much as politics may require Obama to condemn it) let us be clear, Jeremiah Wright fundamentally told the truth. Oh I know that for some such a comment will seem shocking. After all, didn't he say that America "got what it deserved" on 9/11? And didn't he say that black people should be singing "God Damn America" because of its treatment of the African American community throughout the years? Well actually, no he didn't. Wright said not that the attacks of September 11th were justified, but that they were, in effect, predictable. Deploying the imagery of chickens coming home to roost is not to give thanks as it is merely to note two things: first, that what goes around, indeed, comes around--a notion with longstanding theological grounding--and secondly, that the U.S. has indeed engaged in more than enough violence against innocent people to make it just a tad bit hypocritical for us to then evince shock and outrage about an attack on ourselves, as if the latter were unprecedented. He noted that we killed far more people, far more innocent civilians in Hiroshima and Nagasaki than were killed on 9/11 and "never batted an eye." He is correct on the math, he is correct on the innocence of the dead (neither city was a military target), and he is most definitely correct on the lack of remorse or even ![]() But not only does such a calculus suggest that American lives are inherently worth more than the lives of Japanese civilians (or, one supposes, Vietnamese, Iraqi or Afghan civilians too), but it also ignores the long-declassified documents, and President Truman's own war diaries, all of which indicate clearly that Japan had already signaled its desire to end the war, and that we knew they were going to surrender, even without the dropping of atomic weapons. The conclusion to which these truths then attest is simple, both in its basic veracity and it monstrousness: namely, that in those places we committed premeditated and deliberate mass murder, with no justification whatsoever; and yet for saying that I will receive more hate mail, more hostility, more dismissive and contemptuous responses than will those who suggest that no body count is too high when we're the ones doing the killing. Jeremiah Wright becomes a pariah, because, you see, we much prefer the logic of George Bush the First, who once said that as President he would "never apologize for the United States of America. I don't care what the facts are." What Jeremiah Wright knows, and told his flock--though make no mistake, they already knew it--is that 9/11 was neither the first, nor worst act of terrorism on American soil. The history of this nation for folks of color, was for generations, nothing less than an intergenerational hate crime, one in which 9/11s were woven into the fabric of everyday life: hundreds of thousands of the enslaved who died from the conditions of their bondage; thousands more who were lynched (as many as 10,000 in the first few years after the Civil War, according to testimony in the Congressional Record at the time); millions of indigenous persons wiped off the face of the Earth. No, to some, the horror of 9/11 was not new. To some it was not the day that "everything changed." To some, everything changed four hundred years ago, when that first ship landed at what would become Jamestown. To some, everything changed when their ancestors were forced into the hulls of slave ships at Goree Island and brought to a strange land as chattel. To some, everything changed when they were run out of Northern Mexico, only to watch it become the Southwest United States, thanks to a war of annihilation initiated by the U.S. government. To some, being on the receiving end of terrorism has been a way of life; indeed, absolutely normal in fact. But white folks have a hard time hearing these simple truths, as if it is impossible to listen to an alternative version of reality. Indeed, what seems to bother white people more than anything, whether in the recent episode, or at any other time, is being confronted with the recognition that black people do not, by and large, see the world like we do; that black people, by and large, do not view America as white people view it. We are, in fact, shocked that this should be so, having come to believe, apparently, that the falsehoods to which we cling as life are equally shared by our darker-skinned compatriots. This is what James Baldwin was talking about in his classic 1972 work, No Name in the Street, wherein he noted: "White children, in the main, and whether they are rich or poor, grow up with a grasp of reality so feeble that they can very accurately be described as deluded--about themselves and the world they live in. White people have managed to get through their entire lifetimes in this euphoric state, but black people have not been so lucky: a black man who sees the world the way John Wayne, for example, sees it would not be an eccentric patriot, but a raving maniac." And so we were shocked in 1987, when Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall declined to celebrate the bicentennial of the Constitution, because, as he noted, most of that history had been one of overt racism and injustice, and to his way of thinking, the only history worth celebrating had been that of the past three or four decades. We were shocked to learn that black people actually believed that a white cop who was a documented racist might frame a black man (Mark Furman in O.J. trial); we're shocked to learn that lots of black folks still perceive the U.S. as a racist nation--we're stunned that people who say they experience discrimination regularly [NO - they're not stunned, they're in denial because it's easier to believe you are wrong than to believe they are wrong at heart] and actually think that those experiences and the supporting social studies data might actually say something about the nation in which they reside. Imagine. Black people do not, in the main, get misty eyed at the sight of the flag the way white people do--and this is true even for millions of black veterans--for they understand that the nation for whom that flag waves is still not fully committed to their own equality. They repulse at those tunes that some white people seem so eager to belt out, like "God Bless America," for they know that whites sang those words loudly and proudly even as they were enforcing Jim Crow segregation, rioting against blacks who dared move into previously white neighborhoods, throwing rocks at Dr. King and then cheering, as so many did, when they heard the news that he had been assassinated. Whites refuse to remember that which black folks cannot afford to forget. I've seen white people stunned to the point of paralysis when they learn the truth about lynchings in this country. They were never told the truth: that lynchings were often community events, advertised in papers as "Negro Barbecues," involving hundreds or even thousands of whites, who would join in the fun, eat chicken salad and drink sweet tea, all while the black victims of their depravity were being hung, then shot, then burned, and then having their body parts cut off, to be handed out to onlookers. They are stunned to learn that postcards of the events were traded as souvenirs, and that very few whites, including members of their own families did or said anything to stop it. Rather than knowing about and confronting the ugliness of our past, whites take steps to excise the less flattering aspects of our history so that we need not be bothered with them. So, in Tulsa, Oklahoma, for example, site of an orgy of violence against the black community in 1921, city officials literally went into the town library and removed all reference to the mass killings in the Greenwood district from the papers with a razor blade--an excising of truth and an assault on memory that would remain unchanged for over seventy years. Most white people desire, or perhaps even require the propagation of lies when it comes to our history. But that white version of America is not only extraordinarily incomplete, in that it so favors the white experience to the exclusion of others; it is more than that; it is actually a slap in the face to people of color, a re-injury, a reminder that they are essentially irrelevant, their concerns trivial, their lives unworthy of being taken seriously. In that sense, and what few if any white Americans appear capable of grasping at present, is that "Leave it Beaver" and "Father Knows Best," portray an America so divorced from the reality of the times in which they were produced, as to raise serious questions about the sanity of those who found them so moving, so accurate, so real. These iconographic representations of life in the U.S. are worse than selective, worse than false, they are assaults to the humanity and memory of black people, who were being savagely oppressed even as June Cleaver did housework in heels and laughed about the hilarious hijinks of Beaver and Larry Mondello. These portraits of America are certifiable evidence of how disconnected white folks were--and to the extent we still love them and view them as representations of the "good old days" to which we wish we could return, still are--from those men and women of color with whom we have long shared a nation. One month prior, Arkansas Governor Orville Faubus called out the National Guard to block black students from entering Little Rock Central High; and nine days before America was introduced to the Cleavers those black students were finally allowed to enter, amid the screams of enraged, unhinged, viciously bigoted white people, who saw nothing wrong with calling children niggers in front of cameras. That was America of the 1950s: not the sanitized version of escape thanks to the miracle of syndication, which merely allows white people to relive a lie, year after year after year. No, it is not the pastor who distorts history; Nick at Nite and your teenager's textbooks do that. It is not he who casts aspersions upon "this great country" as Barack Obama put it in his public denunciations of him; it is the historic leadership of the nation that has cast aspersions upon it; it is they who have cheapened it, who have made gaudy and vile the promise of American democracy by defiling it with lies. They engage in a "pathological patriotism", that asks of those who adhere to it not merely a love of country but the turning of one's nation into an idol to be worshipped. It is they--the flag-lapel-pin wearing leaders of this land--who bring shame to the country with their nonsensical suggestions that we are always noble in warfare, always well-intended, and although we occasionally make mistakes, we are never the ones to blame for anything. Nothing that happens to us has anything to do with us at all. It is always about them. They are evil, crazy, fanatical, hate our freedoms, and are jealous of our prosperity. When individuals prattle on in this manner we diagnose them as narcissistic, as deluded. When our nation does it, it's OK and makes sense. So what can we say about a nation that values lies more than it loves truth? What we can say is that such a place is signing its own death warrant. What we can say is that such a place is missing the only and last opportunity it may ever have to make things right, to live up to its professed ideals. What we can say is that such a place can never move forward, because we have yet to fully address and come to terms with that which lay behind. What can we say about a nation where white preachers can lie every week from their pulpits without so much as having to worry that their lies might be noticed by the shiny white faces in their pews, while black preachers who tell one after another essential truth are demonized, not only for the stridency of their tone--which needless to say scares white folks, who have long preferred a style of praise and worship resembling nothing so much as a coma--but for merely calling bullshit on those whose lies are swallowed whole? And oh yes, I said it: white preachers lie. In fact, they lie with a skill, fluidity, and precision unparalleled in the history of either preaching or lying, both of which histories stretch back a ways and have often overlapped. They lie every Sunday, as they talk about a Savior they have chosen to represent dishonestly as a white man. To lie about Jesus, about the one they consider God--to bear false witness as to who this man was and what he looked like--is no cause for concern. Nor is it a problem for these preachers to teach and preach that those who don't believe as they believe are going to hell. Despite the fact that such a belief imples that God is so fundamentally evil that he would burn non-believers in a lake of eternal fire--many of the white folks who now condemn Jeremiah Wright welcome that theology of hate. Indeed, back when President Bush was the Governor of Texas, he endorsed this kind of thinking, responding to a question about whether Jews were going to go to hell, by saying that unless one accepted Jesus as one's personal savior, the Bible made it pretty clear that indeed, hell was where you'd be heading. So you can curse God in this way--and to imply such hate on God's part is surely to curse him--and in effect, curse those who aren't Christians, and no one says anything. That isn't considered bigoted. One is not disqualified from becoming President in the minds of millions because they go to a church that says that shit every single week, or because they believe it themselves - and millions do, and see nothing wrong with it whatsoever. So white folks are mad at Jeremiah Wright because he challenges their views about their country. Pardon me, but something is wrong here, and whatever it is, is not to be found at Trinity United Church of Christ. Tim Wise is the author of: White Like Me: Reflections on Race from a Privileged Son (Soft Skull Press, 2005), and Affirmative Action: Racial Preference in Black and White (Routledge: 2005). He can be reached at: timjwise@msn.com This essay originally appeared in Lip. |
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Doin' Da Butt! (Click To See More)
Camden cop shot,nude man dead
By Robert Moran and Peter Mucha
Inquirer Staff Writers
A confrontation this morning in Camden has left a female police officer shot in the head and a nude man dead.
The officer was taken to Cooper University Hospital's trauma unit for treatment, where she was in serious condition.
About 8 a.m., multiple calls were made to 911 about a disturbance near 10th and Morton Streets, according to Jason Laughlin, spokesman for the Camden County Prosecutor's Office. Several officers arrived to find a naked man outside.
"He was going up and down the street, banging on doors, naked with a knife. He was threatening the whole neighborhood," Laughlin said.
The man, Lamont Morton, 19, of Camden, had already stabbed someone, who was taken to Cooper University Hospital for treatment, he said. Somehow a female officer, a 15-year veteran of the force, got into a physical altercation, with Morton attempting to get her gun, Laughlin said. A male officer at the scene then shot Morton multiple times as he was still grappling with her, Laughlin said.
The female officer was also struck by gunfire, but police are investigating whether she was accidentally shot by the male officer or whether her own gun discharged, Laughlin said. Around 9:30 a.m., the body of the deceased, a black male, could be seen lying face down on a sidewalk at the scene. As authorities briefly lifted a white sheet off the body, he appeared to unclothed. The body was removed shortly afterward.
A woman at the scene, Geneva Smith, 23, told authorities and others gathered that Morton was the boyfriend of her sister, who lives in a nearby house. The area was cordoned off as members of the Camden police, the New Jersey state police and the Camden County Prosecutor's Office investigated.
And not to be outdone by the above, here's naked lunch part# 2:
Naked man causes thousands in damage to Pa. hotel, store
The Associated Press
LANCASTER, Pa. - A hotel and store in Lancaster County are assessing the damage after a naked man ran amok and allegedly did thousands of dollars worth of damage to two businesses.
West Lampeter Township police said they were dispatched to the Willow Valley Resort, and later Darrenkamp's Market, on Friday amid reports of a naked man on a rampage. Some office space at the resort was trashed and a forklift was driven into an interior wall, also damaging an overhead sewer pipe, authorities said.
Police said the man, whom they identified as Nicholas Hadzick, 28, of Freeland, then crossed the street and entered Darrenkamp's in the Willow Valley Shopping Center, causing more destruction. Joe Darrenkamp, company president, said Hadzick threw chairs, tossed a 300-pound pizza oven to the floor, as well as three scales, valued at about $7,000 each. Also damaged was a $40,000 meat-wrapping machine, several soda coolers and the windshield of a delivery truck.
The incident was captured on the market's surveillance cameras, Darrenkamp said. He estimated the cost of the damage at about $90,000.
Police charged Hadzick with risking a catastrophe, criminal mischief, open lewdness, public drunkenness and related counts. He was being held at Lancaster County Prison on $200,000 bail. Hadzick had been a guest at the resort, said Blaise Holzbauer, Willow Valley executive vice president and general manager.
Telephone messages left at three phone listings for a Nicholas Hadzick in the Freeland area were not returned. (like this is surprising.)
Well there you have it. Want more? Go back to the top 'n click on the title to check out another soiree of wildness on our sister station CNsaw . . .